COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance: Astutium cPanel10 Shared Hosting Server

Emergency Maintenance: cPanel Hosting Server cpanel10

What is being done:

Replacement of server cPanel10 with new machine and restore of data.

Who is affected:

Clients with Hosting Services on UK/London cPanel Hosting (web, email, personal, business, enterprise/e-commerce hosting packages) on server:

  • cpanel10

When is this maintenance:

Starting Saturday 04 November 01:00
Completing Monday 06 November 23:00

Why do we need to do this:

The server is reporting physical problems with hardware/memory following excessive server load due to sites being attacked/abused.

We are taking this action at this stage to replace the machine with a more powerful unit and add additional firewall processing capabilities to prevent further access issues / downtime / data-loss.


  • 05/Nov/2023 – 01:00
    Mail from 3rd November where not already downloaded by POP3 to your devices is being resynced/recovered – expected to complete before 14:00 Monday 6th.

  • 05/Nov/2023 – 01:00
    All sites restored, mail from 3rd and 4th November is being resynced where available, or starting to be delivered where queued at the sender.

  • 04/Nov/2023 – 22:00
    Data Restore completed for all Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Titanium Packages, the remaining shared-hosting sites are in progress

  • 04/Nov/2023 – 16:00
    Data Restore completed for all Business and Enterprise Packages, the remaining shared-hosting sites are in progress

  • 04/Nov/2023 – 09:00
    Data Restore to alternative hardware is in progress for clients with priority support addons, this should be completed by appx 12:00 with the remaining shared-hosting sites starting at 13:00 – estimated completion is 14:00 Sunday for all sites/services to be online

  • 04/Nov/2023 – 04:00
    Recovery/Repair has been unsuccessful and replacement then data recovery/restore needs to to be undertaken starting immediately
  • 04/Nov/2023 – 01:00
    Technicians are working onsite on the server to see if it can be recovered/repaired