Author's posts
Jan 24
COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance – cPanel3
Emergency Maintenance: Disk Check What: Following a forced reboot we are running a disk check. Affects: All services provided by cPanel3 server. When: Friday, 24th January 2014 15:55 All hosting (web/email) services hosted on cPanel3 server will be unavailable whilst the disk check is running.
Jan 24
COMPLETED: PHP Upgrade – DirectAdmin Hosting
Scheduled Maintenance: DirectAdmin Hosting What: Upgrading PHP Version Affects: All DirectAdmin Hosting services When: Monday, January 27, 2014 from 20:00 to 22:00 GMT During this maintenance window, email, dns, website and ftp functionality will be impacted. For most up-to-date pre-packaged applications, this should have no effect. However, custom sites, modules for pre-packaged software and templates …
Nov 19
COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance – EnsimWin1 (Thomas)
Emergency Maintenance: Hosting EnsimWin1 (Thomas) What: Failure of Hosting Server EnsimWin1 Affects: Resellers/customers with websites on EnsimWin1 When: 2013/11/19 13:09 Update 1: 17:00 service has been restored – if you have further problems please raise a support ticket.
Oct 25
COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance – HSphere
Emergency Maintenance: Power What: Migrating to alternate power feed. Affects: HSphere hosting services. When: Friday, 25th October 2013 17:00 – Friday, 25th October 2013 17:15 The HSphere servers will be powered down and moved to an alternate power feed. MySQL/MSSQL and web services will be unavailable for a short period of time whilst they are …
Jul 09
COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance: cPanel5
Emergency Maintenance: Hosting cPanel5 (DNS) What: DNS propagation/distribution issues for domains on cPanel5 Affects: Resellers/customers with websites and email services on cPanel5 When: 2013/07/09 10:00 Update 1 (2013/07/09 12:02): The issue has now been resolved. If you are still having problems with the service please raise a support ticket.
Oct 31
COMPLETED: Server Maintenance: cPanel 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/Radio/Video, EnsimLinux 1, DirectAdmin1, DNP1
Server Maintenance: cPanel 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/Radio/Video, EnsimLinux 1, DirectAdmin1, DNP1 What: Updating Operating System packages and restarting servers. Affects: All customers with websites and email services cPanel 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/Radio/Video, EnsimLinux 1, DirectAdmin1, DNP1 servers. When: 2012/10/31 19:00 to 21:00 Update 1: This maintenance has been completed successfully. Thank you for your patience.
Oct 31
COMPLETED: Server Maintenance: Hosting Plesk 1/2/3 (DesignerHosting Edward/Percy/Duck) / EnsimWin1 (Thomas)
Server Maintenance: Hosting Plesk 1/2/3 (DesignerHosting Edward/Percy/Duck) / EnsimWin1 (Thomas) What: Updating Operating System packages and restarting servers. Affects: All customers with websites and email services on Plesk 1/2/3/ EnsimWin1 servers. When: 2012/10/31 19:00 to 21:00 Update 1: This maintenance has been completed successfully. Thank you for your patience.
Oct 30
COMPLETED: Server Maintenance: Hosting Plesk 7/8/9
Server Maintenance: Hosting Plesk 7/8/9 What: Updating Operating System packages and restarting servers. Affects: All customers with websites and email services on Plesk 7/8/9 servers. When: 2012/10/30 19:45 to 20:15 Update 1 2012/10/30 20:10: This maintenance has been completed successfully. Thank you for your patience.
Jul 25
COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance : Hosting : Helm2 (MidnightSoftware)
Server is under maintenance following a fault in the control panel. We will post more details once they are available. Update 1: All affected customers have been migrated to our DotNetPanel services and the Helm platform retired. This will mean a change of credentials and URLs for the Control Panel. All customers …
Jul 13
COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance: H-Sphere server migration
What: Migrate data to a new server. Who (affects): All H-Sphere customers with sites hosted on server will be unable during the migration. When: starting Monday 16 July 2012 21:00 completing Monday 16 July 2012 22:00 Why: Increase server resources.