Server Plesk2-Duck has failed with a corrupt RAID array.
DataCentre technicians are onsite investigating if it can be repaired and returned to service. If the current server is unrecoverable a new plesk server will be deployed and all sites/emails etc restored from backups.
ETA for server availability currently: 12:30 14/September/2011
We apologise for the lack of updates this afternoon.
Duck/Plesk2 has physically been repaired however some configuration files and other data was corrupted during the initial equipment failure. These are having to be found and corrected individually to avoid user data loss.
At present there is no firm ETA on exactly when this will be completed, but we do expect it to be completed tonight.
The corrupted configuration files and databases have been restored from the backups (2011/09/12 as the backup from 2011/09/13 had not completed).
If you continue to have problems with your account please raise a support ticket at