COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance : Cooling : Chiller Introduction

Planned Maintenance : Cooling : Chiller Introduction

What: Introduction into the live cooling circuit of new rooftop Aircon Chiller ref 2:2

Who (Affects): Building Facilities – Non Service Affecting

When (start, end): Thursday 26th July 10:00 – 18:00 and Friday 27th July 10:00 – 18:00

Why: In order to extend the Othello PremierDC DataCentre facilities, we are introducing new Chiller circuits in a staged upgrade so that even when aircon is under maintenance, we maintian Tier3+ levels of service with 2N+1 on all critical systems.

This work is to bring online one additional Chiller circuit (taking the current total to 4) and should not impact client service levels at all.
Chiller has already been fitted, commissioning takes ~2 days.
Facilities team members and aircon contractors will be onsite 24/7 during all works.

COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance: H-Sphere server migration


Migrate data to a new server.

Who (affects):

All H-Sphere customers with sites hosted on server will be unable during the migration.


starting Monday 16 July 2012 21:00
completing Monday 16 July 2012 22:00


Increase server resources.

COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance: HSphere (DC-Hosting) Win6 RAID Rebuild

Due to a failed disk we will be replacing the drive and re-syncing the RAID.

When: Thursday 20:00
What: Replace failing HDD and RAID sync.
Affects: HSphere hosting/email clients on Win6 (DC-Hosting)
Expected Outage: 1-2 hours during the RAID sync.

COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance: cPanel Services Restart

As part of our commitment to continued high levels of service, we must announce the following planned maintenance work.

When: Monday 9th July 00:00 – 02:00 BST (UTC +1)
What: Services Restart
Affects: All cPanel shared hosting servers (cPanel 1-6, stream2)
Expected Outage: 5-15 minutes per server as it restarts to apply critical updates and preventative disk checks.

Each server will only be restarted once, however services are at risk for the entire window.

RESCHEDULED: Planned Maintenance: Hosting : Helm migration


Migration of existing Helm services onto new servers.

Who (affects):

This planned maintenance affects all Helm Personal and Business Hosting Accounts.

When :

starting Friday 29/June 2012 22:00
completing Saturday 30/June 2012 10:00


The new server hardware is of higher specification and will allow us to provide more stability of the Helm services.



This work has not been completed nd will be rescheduled at a future date.

COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance: cPanel4 – Replacing backup target.


Replacing backup target.

Who (affects):

The server will be unavailable for around 5 minutes at the end of the maintenance window.


starting Thursday 21 June 2012 20:00
completing Thursday 21 June 2012  21:30


Increase available backup space.

COMPLETED: Planned Maintenance: Ensim Linux 1 – IP Address Change

As part of our continued commitment to improving services it has become necessary to renumber this service. Any customer using and as nameservers on their domain will be updated automatically. Customers may encounter difficulties resolving their domains depending on the caching strategy employed by their connectivity supplier.

What: Renumber of
When: Friday 11 May 2012, 19:00 BST
Impact: Customers may lose contact with their service. Customers not using Othello DNS services will need to update their records manually.

Sites will be available on following this maintenance.

Update 1:
This work has been completed and all DNS is being served for the new IP.  Connectivity provider may continue to serve outdated records from their caches for up to 48 hours.  Please contact support via the normal methods if your site does not appear after this time.

COMPLETED: Planned cPanel Upgrade

Following some reasonably major faults with the current ‘release’ version of cPanel, we are being forced to upgrade all shared servers to the new ‘current’ version.

When: Saturday 21st 2012 – 09:00 onwards
What: Out-of-cycle cPanel Upgrade
Affects: cPanel, WHM and Webmail access for customers during the upgrade. No other services are affected.

We expect this upgrade to primarily fix: –
* Ability to set mailbox quotas.
* CSS Updates to remove display problems during Webmail login.

COMPLETED: Planned Migration:

As part of our continued commitment to quality of service and uptime, this host must be replaced with more modern hardware and software combinations.  We have determined that the least disruptive method to handle this is to treat it in the same fashion as a foreign server migration.

As such IP addressing of sites will change: –
If your domain is registered through Othello – there is no further action necessary.
If your domain is not registered through Othello but uses our nameservers – there is no further action necessary.
If your domain is not registered through Othello and uses third party DNS services You will need to update your provider with the new IP Address –

What: Replacement of hardware/migration of customer data.
When: Thursday 12 April 2012 – Overnight
Who: All customers currently with services on
Outage Expected: None; although users with forums or blogs should attempt to prevent updates during this time as depending on exact timing updates may not be migrated.  Placing forums and shopping carts into maintenance mode would be ideal.

We do not expect any downtime for customers; however any custom set-ups, with nameserver FQDNs especially, that were not ordered and supplied specifically through Othello will most likely result in problems.  Please contact support via the normal channels if you experience any difficulties.

COMPLETED: Emergency Maintenance : Hosting : DHUK WebsitePanel Services

Thursday 5th April 2012 22:00

The hardware platform (servers) hosting “DirectHostingUK” WebsitePanel clients has failed, technicians are onsite determining the scope of the problem and what to do to bring the system(s) back online.


Friday 6th April 2012 02:00

The drive array containing all the client data/virtual-machines is degraded, replacement drives have been fitted and the rebuild of the R10 arrays started – ETA ~24hours.


Saturday 7th April 2012 21:00

The drive rebuild has failed, due to corruption of the data content. We are now attempting to restore the data from backups of the service.


Monday 9th April 2012 20:00

Data cannot be recovered from the original drives, or from the backup drives.
The backup data is corrupt and unusable due to the source-data being unreadable.
At this stage the service is now considered permanently unrecoverable.

If you have not already contacted support to arrange a replacement hosting account, you should have received and email regarding the next-steps available to you for getting your site(s) back online.